Saturday, December 01, 2007

Potter's Field -- Right Here in NYC

Wow, I just learned that Washington Square Park and Bryant Park were both once potter's fields, burial grounds for those who couldn't afford proper burial, or the anonymous dead. (OK, I did learn this from Wikipedia, but that's usually relatively reliable, I think...)

So next time you NYU students drop acid and hang out in the park near campus, or you corporate types go ice skating next to the library, remember this: you're hanging out with dead people. Nameless dead people.

How Poltergeist. I wonder if bodies will ever erupt from the rink and break through the ice? Yeah, that will probably happen during the "rapture," when God's faithful servants get taken away in UFOs, leaving the rest of us sinners behind--we'll be Left Behind! Does that mean we will then rid ourselves of proselytizing and hateful hypocrisy? Which leads me to wonder: would that be God doing them or us the favor?


thepockmark said...

Awesome. However, NYU students are totally not dropping acid these days. I don't even think you can get acid around here anymore.

...Love that Tom Waits spoken word piece:
"...he pulled a gypsy switch out on the edge of potter's field..."

candy sue said...

what's wrong with america's youth? no one's dropping acid anymore? sad.