Thursday, March 31, 2005

New Look, New Content

It has been ages since I've paid any attention to this blog. My attentiveness reveals a lot about my personality. Maybe I'll use this as my "I need to write something every day, or at least a few times a week" outlet. My practice. And maybe tell people I'm writing in it again. I've mostly used it for links, which I love putting out there.

I'm reading Jeanette Winterson's Written on the Body, at the suggestion of my friend Kate Simpkins ( I love the way Winterson makes her main character, the lover, of indeterminate gender. And always is this character having an affair with a married woman. The same was true in The Passion, which is another book of hers I adore. Set in a surreal Venice. Characters who deal in human hearts as if they were black market firearms. It's lovely. My favorite part is where the lover steals into her old flame's house to steal her heart back, stuffed into a box and shoved in with all of the other bric-a-brac.

Speaking of hearts, mine has been under pleasant siege. My lovely D.Rae surprises me with each passing day and night. It has almost been a year. Her eyes house the sun. Her heart has a door for mine.