Friday, October 07, 2005

We miss the Boye

We miss the farm

Stream at Livingston Orchards
Originally uploaded by cansel.
Donna is getting used to city living again. Of course, there are things she didn't miss, or had forgotten about. The daily unpleasantries. But we do have wonderful luck in our new place: a yard, roof access, and we're across the street from a lovely community garden and a green embankment that was just saved from development by COMMUNITY ACTION! That is the most exciting thing about moving to Jersey for me: people are actually actively involved in their community, and the arts community is very communicative and open.

But yes, it's true, today I miss this, my favorite view of the farm. It's hard to beat 100 acres. Nothing in any urban area, so full of noise and psychic pollution, can beat it. Thank you, Josh Harris.

Me and Donna on the roof

Originally uploaded by cansel.
We just moved to Jersey City, and I think our faces tell how happy we are. I'm about to make a home with my girlfriend. I'd love to be more poetic now, but I'm content just to be happy and smiling.


Well, people are settling into where they're settling for now. What I'm hearing from most people now is that when they get back to things, the easiest aid will be in the form of gift cards from national chains for daily items like dishes, clothes, food, toiletries.

More when there's more to report.